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4 ISSUE #2 AUG 93 3 SINCLAIR NEWS 3 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE 3 NEON GRAFIX SOFTWARE 3 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC B 3 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKI 1 o 1 > Dark Star. (HOW FAST ?!) 2 > Deus Ex Machina. (CLASSIC!) 3 > Chase Hq. (VROOM VROOM!) 4 > Eric & the Floaters. (CUTE.)5 > Deathchase. (CRUNCH!) 1 T Darren Randle. (Editor.) 1 SONG BY ST COMPILE@ 1 SINCLAIR NEWS ISSUE #2 AUG 93 1 S * A LITTLE POINT * 1 NEWS2.3 2) 1 NEWS2.3 1 G Next month we will be going intomore depth, but only if you sendus your opinions. See you then. 1 : June 1989 saw the releases ofthe new look 'CRASH'. At first glance it looked 1 7 Don't forget the next issue isavailable on the 1st ofSeptember. 1 6 WHEN ORDERING: 1 5 Now, SU... At one time this wasa great mag. Years ago, readersused to write in to 'The writestuff' and slag of Tony Dillon(Where's he now?). Content wasALWAYS good, features were goodand to be honest the whole magwas good. I loved reading 'Tellit to the Bear' each month.Then,disaster. Graham Taylor left asEditor, soon all originalreviewers left. Bye ChrisJenkins, 1 4 Issue one is still available forthe small amount of 20p, pleaseask for ISSUE1 if ordering. 1 3 Now, Your Sinclair. Sadly thismonth saw the death of thisgreat magazine. Funny, Seriousand brilliant, that was Y.S.Over the years we've seen somegreat issues and some smashingreviewers. Each issue was packedwith colour and features, andnot to mention the brilliantcover tapes. Although in its last few months the mag got abit thin, it was still worth themoney just to have the software.Y.S was the back bone of theSpeccy world for many months andwill be sadly missed by all ofus. Do you remember thoseamusing Photo Lurve storys andthat 'crap games corner'? Allgood clean fun. And what aboutsome of the risky covers andcrude words used when 'Dennis'owned the mag? For example, TheVixen cover. I can rememberseeing that on top shelves inGravesend (SERIOUS!!!). Again,it's a shame to see the lastremaining mag go.... 1 2 1> Please state issue 3. 1 0307$7$5+3 1 0 Tatty - Bye! 1 0 PLEASE NOTE, FROM NEXT ISSUE,SINCLAIR NEWS WILL COST 50p. 1 / Send any Cheats, Pokes, Letters,Comments, Articles to thefollowing address: 1 . RASPUTIN PD SOFTWARE, 1 - This from Lawrence Pycook: 1 - Shane Speck came up with this: 1 - More of them next month. 1 , NEXT MONTH: A loof (loof? Thatshould have been Look) atFanzines Etc. 1 ) Well, basically that's it forthis month. Next month morereviews etc. See you then 1 ) Back issues: 1 (C) 1993 NEON GRAFIX SOFTWARE 1 ( Well, thats all for this issue.I'm now going to send a largequanity of files to Dominic forhim to Master. Well, I hope tosee you all next issue. Untilthen, take care. 1 ( A. Pink. (Oh dear...) 1 ' If we rate anything over 40%then its worth having. Anythingbelow 40 and above 30 is a bitdodgy, but anything below 30 isa total washout! If you want anyof these fine programs, dropme a line at the usual address. 1 & Thought of the month. 1 & This from Stuart Richards: 1 % You may notice the 'odd' numberlaying about the place. This isnot my fault, but my +3's. Ithas this nasty habit of leavingnumbers laying around when I usemy cursors. SORRY! 1 % Why do Mums always force Peasand Cabbage down your throat 1 % In my opinion 'CRASH' was thebest of the three for seriousstuff. Its 1 % A. Because you can't clean awindow with a spade. (????) 1 " Did you hear about the boy whowas arrested for pushing acucumber through an old lady'sletterbox and shouting "TheIncredible Hulk's coming to getyou". (Quite good that one!) 1 ! NEWS: A new 'TMG' demo is to bereleased soon. As yet, we havn'trecived our copy but as soon aswe get it, we'll tell you allabout it. PD software creator'Neon Grafix' have created a REDDWARF demo. It costs only 20p,ask for it when ordering if youwant it. It cannot not be foundin any of the PD packs. 1 when your a baby? 1 quiteattractive. `1.50 for a newcover tape packed with 4 games,1 demo and pokes. However, ifyou opened the mag, the firstthing you noticed was 32 pages!32 pages? Where had they allgone... The following month,'CRASH' had one of the worstcovers ever. It featured BATMAN,INDY and BOND. To be quitehonest, the quality of the frontpage was 'crap'. Content wise,the magazine was better, now 50pages. In August 1991 themagazine format returned tonormal. The usual size andbetter quality. The coverfeatured a brill picture ofArnie. Content wise, very good.This issue featured that clasicreader cartoon: 'Anyone else fora wet hoddock?'. In the coming months, NEWSFIELD went bust andCRASH, crashed. Shortly, CRASHpopped up again, this timepublished by EUROPRESS IMPACT.CRASH was better than ever. Goodreadable content, loads ofcolour and glossy paper. Sadly,EUROPRESS sold CRASH off toSinclair User. SU basicly killedCRASH off. The following 1 andpresentation was always good andit was always good value formoney. 1 Well, heres a few of the WORSTjokes from it. Groan 1 Speccy Mags. 1 Q. Why is an Orange Orange? 1 Q. What's Red and White? 1 Howerd,Jimbo, Tony! THEN.. GARTHSTUMPER and the new crew. Thewhole magazine went down hill.The artwork, covers, content andgeneral magazine got sloppy.What was a good magazine hadturned into a poor childishpublication. I mean, one monththere was 2 pages dedicated toALIEN BUSTERS. I.E, two massivephotos of Al Dykes and GarthStumper. Why? What a waste ofspace, who in their right mindwould cut them out and wear themas masks? Enough said. I'm sadSU's gone, but it was probablyfor the best! 1 GRAVESEND, 1 DA12 5SH. 1 C/O DARREN RANDLE, 1 BY D MORRIS. MUSIC BY ZUITEK 1 And finally.... 1 A point of interest... 1 =sadly, thats about all the timewe have for this month. Nextissue, Ian Mortlock will returnwith the RAVE CORNER, and Joyceand Company will be back withmore of the same. 1 =Artists, do you want to see youSCREEN$ in 'Sinclair News'? Eachmonth, we will publish the verybest picture we recieve. Eachwinner will recieve a specialpack of PD software. Send allart work on tape or disc to theusual address. 1 3> Price is 50p. 1 2> Enclose a stamp. 1 166 VALLEY DRIVE, 1 (AARGH NO!) 1 'Kindly leave the stage'? 1 Well, over the years we have hadsome excellent magazines for ourSpectrums. Sadly, they are nowGONE! We thought we'd take alook back over the past years ofthe wonderful publications. 1 Remember: 1 CODE,MASTERING AND PACKING 1 "NEWS2."+ 1 EDITOR: DARREN RANDLE